Format of this tutorial

back to section start!

  This guide is designed so that the user starts at the beginning and then
just steps forward through it.  It is not designed for jumping from one
topic to another, but the Contents are provided as a shortcut to a specific

  The format of commands will not be extensively covered, as this tutorial
is more concerned with teaching the basic commands and the context they're
used in.

  Each description of a command will provide a link to the main Opus ARexx
reference, the  The will provide
you with the command parameters and format required for that particular

  A typical description will look like this:


  The first commands we'll look at are the  dopus front  and  dopus back .

  They can be used within an ARexx script like so:

 /* DOpusFrontBack.dopus5 */ 
address 'DOPUS.1'             /* Open DOpus' ARexx port */
dopus front                   /* Bring the DOpus display to the front */
address command wait 2        /* Wait for 2 seconds */
dopus back                    /* Send the DOpus display to the back */
exit                          /* Exit the script */


  You will notice that dopus front and dopus back are buttons, clicking
on them will load the reference, open at the correct
page for that command.

  The ARexx comment for the example script is also a button, clicking on
that will run that particular example script.

  With some commands you will also see a button labelled  ArcDir , hitting
this button will take you to a section of Edmund's ArcDir script to show you
where this command is used as a practical example.

  All of the scripts are generally written in lower case for clarity,
excessive use of upper case characters tends to make texts hard to read
because all the letters are the same height and the eye tends to start
skipping over them.

  There are no TABs used in this guide, TABs suck :)  If there are TABs, who
told you, you could put them in?  >:-|

  Indenting is set to two spaces to get as much as possible on screen, and
not lose the readability it provides.

  What the script looks like in this guide will be what it looks like in
reality, with a few exceptions, for example, the commands 'Lister Query' and
'Lister Set'.  So if you prefer you can cut and paste from within this guide
using PowerSnap or something similar.

  Now that I've inflicted upon you my sense of style, on with the show...

DOpus PLUS - giving you that bit extra...